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The Impact of LED Lights on Basil Microgreens

Basil Microgreens

In a recent study published in Plants by Fayezizadeh et al. (2024), researchers explored how different types of LED lights affect the growth and nutritional value of basil microgreens. Basil microgreens are young plants that are not only tasty but also packed with nutrients that are good for your health. The study looked at several kinds of basil, including Red Rubin, Violeto, Kapoor, and Ablagh, and tested how they responded to various LED light settings, such as red, blue, white, and combinations of red and blue.

Key Findings:

  1. Growth and Biomass: The study found that different types of LED lights caused the basil microgreens to grow differently. For example, the Ablagh variety grew the most under blue light, reaching a weight of 4.54 kg per square meter. This means that the type of light can significantly affect how big and heavy the plants get.
  2. Nutrient Content: The type of light also changed how many good-for-you nutrients the microgreens produced. Blue light, in particular, helped the plants make more antioxidants, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C. These are important because they can help protect your body from harmful substances and keep you healthy.
  3. Best Light for Nutritional Value: The study showed that blue light was the best for making basil microgreens with high nutritional value, especially for the Ablagh variety. This type of light increased the amount of antioxidants and vitamins in the plants, making them even more beneficial to eat.
  4. Color and Flavors: Different lights also changed the color and flavors of the microgreens. For instance, Red Rubin basil had the highest amount of a colorful compound called anthocyanin when grown under a mix of red and blue light. This not only makes the microgreens look vibrant but also adds to their health benefits.


The research suggests that if you want to grow basil microgreens with the most health benefits, using blue LED lights might be the best choice, especially for the Ablagh variety. These findings can help farmers and gardeners choose the right lighting to produce healthier and more nutritious microgreens. The study also highlights that different basil varieties respond uniquely to light, so it’s important to pick the right combination of light and plant type for the best results.

Overall, this study shows how the right lighting can make a big difference in both the size and nutritional value of basil microgreens, offering a practical way to grow healthier plants indoors (Fayezizadeh et al., 2024).

Thank you for reading! We are Dawn Farm, a USDA-registered Urban Farm located in Canyon, Texas, owned and operated by Tim and Suzan Triplett. We grow microgreens indoors using sustainable agricultural practices. We offer free deliveries to the Amarillo area. In the summertime, you can usually find us at the Canyon Farmers Market. Our mission is to provide fresh, nutritious, and eco-friendly greens to our community. Follow us for more tips, recipes, and updates on how we bring the best microgreens to your table.

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